5 Signs Your Corporation Is Ready For A Technology Upgrade

Is your healthcare or educational institution relying on outdated technology? Here are five signs your Los Angeles County, CA business could benefit from a commercial AV upgrade.

Bring Your Los Angeles Institution Into the Future 

Many Los Angeles professionals know their business’s technology could be better but procrastinate by telling themselves, “It’s not so bad.” 

But this is the 2020s, and modern education, healthcare, and office settings call for much different technology solutions than thirty, twenty, or even ten years ago. From communication systems to signage, you need reliable and easy-to-use methods that are simple to deploy across the entire campus. 

Here are five signs your establishment in Los Angeles County, CA is ready for a commercial AV upgrade.

SEE ALSO: Saving Time and Money with Centrally Managed Critical Communications

1. Your Digital Signage Is Updated Manually 

Video and digital signage is an eye-catching and handy way to display building directories, visitor guides, important news, and even menus in cafes. How does your corporation currently update its digital signage? If someone needs to manually insert a USB to change what’s on screen, it’s time to switch to a cloud-based system. You’ll automatically deploy new imagery and messaging across tens, hundreds, or thousands of screens at once, saving valuable time. 

2. Tech Is Decades Old 

Retro fashion trends may come back in style, but if your corporation’s monitors, digital signage, and other AV equipment are decades old, people will take notice. Clients, patients, and visitors may see outdated technology and subconsciously lose some trust in your institution. 4K displays, video walls, and smart, interactive technology provide a better user experience while demonstrating that you’re ahead of the curve. 

3. Virtual Meetings Are A Challenge 

More than ever, educational and healthcare professionals need to bridge the gap between in-person and virtual meetings with conferencing technology. From telemedicine to conferences, your staff needs technology to see and hear clearly while also being heard and seen. We can integrate cameras, microphones, displays, and audio speakers into a unified system that addresses common teleconferencing pain points. 

4. Your Technology Is Cluttered

Are there cables, wires, and control boxes in sight of patients, students, or staff? Not only can that lead to a stressful environment, but it can also be a safety hazard. We create structured cabling systems that house all AV hardware in an organized control room or utility closet. We can also hide wires behind screens with in-wall boxes and install intercom and audio speakers within the walls and ceiling for a tidy appearance. 

5. AV Is Not Synced to One System 

Smart technology and automation can achieve incredible things in modern businesses, but operations can fall apart when you rely on disjointed systems to interact with each other. Your staff shouldn’t have to juggle different remotes, apps, or interfaces to use AV. Consolidate it all into a single smart system that can manage audio, video, lighting, security, and more. We can set user permissions per room so no one is overwhelmed with more options than they need. When everything is streamlined into one system, AV becomes simpler for everyone to manage. 


Could your Los Angeles corporation benefit from a commercial AV installation? At Thompson Engineering, we design, program, and install custom technology solutions for hospitals, healthcare centers, universities, and schools throughout Southern California.

Contact us here to learn more about our services and how they can benefit your institute!  

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