3 Solutions to Integrate into Your Commercial Security System

closeup of a dome and pan-tilt-zoom security camera with a commercial building in the background

Your Facility Needs Superior Protection & Security Integration

At Thompson Engineering, we have worked extensively with educational and healthcare facilities to bring innovative technology solutions to their daily operations. Not only do we help teams with their critical communications systems, digital signage, and structured cabling needs, but our professional team of technicians and engineers can also handle security integration

To discover three security solutions to consider for your San Bernardino, CA, facility, keep reading our blog below.

SEE ALSO: Discover How Thompson Engineering Handles Your Structured Cabling Needs

Security System and Surveillance Cameras

At the very least, your commercial security system needs an alarm system and security cameras. Exterior doorways and windows should be armed with sensors, so whenever your team is off-site, motion, broken glass, and pried-open entries automatically send a signal to the facilities manager and a remote security monitoring station. 

These alerts are also accompanied by live surveillance video footage that provides high-definition image quality from the convenience of a smartphone or tablet. Zoom in, save recordings, and look back at previously recorded footage in an instant if a security breach occurs on your California property. This footage can be used later by law enforcement to prosecute criminals too.

Building Access Control

Beyond knowing if someone attempts entry while no one is staffing the building, having access control functionality integrated into your security system ensures facilities managers and departmental directors have insight into who enters, when they enter, and where they enter. 

This means preventing and limiting access to specified areas of your facility is possible. Only your teams with the highest security clearance may access protected offices and warehouses, and entry-level employees are only allowed access to all-staff areas until they’ve passed the proper training protocols. To ensure this is possible, doors are programmed to open and close using RFID cards, unique user ID codes, or biometric scanners. Facilities may also incorporate two-factor identification with surveillance camera identification or mobile phone authentication functionality.

Fire Safety

Both the educational and healthcare industries experienced annual average losses of over 50 million dollars from 2015 to 2019, according to the National Fire Protection Association. Adding fire safety measures to your security system integration can help prevent extensive loss of lives and materials. Conventional smoke detectors, duct detectors, alarm pull stations, fire panels, emergency alert functionality, and other life safety components can all integrate with your robust commercial security system to ensure everyone on your site is safe and can effectively respond to emergencies.

Your Security Integration Partner

The Thompson Engineering team is here for all your security and technology integration and installation needs. Connect with us by filling out our contact form here. We can’t wait to hear from you!

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